AI is already here but invisible

From an interview with James Cameron

(…it is accidental….no connection with AI…}


“DC: I remember reading that your first goal in life was to be a comic book
artist—that you grew up wanting to draw Iron Man.
JC: I always wanted to be a raconteur, a storyteller, and I also wanted to
create visually and produce images. I was always doing both: I’d be writing
stories and also painting, looking for a way to mesh them. Well, comics
are a fusion of those two things, so it seemed like a natural. But I’d
david chute / 1985 9
been going to movies like a rabid maniac, and at a certain point, I said,
“That’s what a movie is. It’s a visual medium with a narrative intent.”
For a long time I was working as a truck driver to support myself while
I wrote scripts. Then I quit to make a pilot for a feature film. I raised some
money from a consortium of dentists in Orange County. It was an attempt
to do a little piece of a big-budget science-fiction film: $20,000 for
a ten-minute segment of a movie that was just like something you might
see in a theater. It was crudely edited, but there’s a visual narrative there
and the special effects are pretty good. It showed certain basic skills. On
the strength of that I got a job at New World—the old New World, with
Roger Corman..>”



the 16th century is already here…


…after Hieronymus Bosch… better than Jeff Koons…


the new normal
…still life with AI…


Gloss Finish High Performance:
1) 1st Coat: Benjamin Moore Super Spec Interior/Exterior Acrylic High Build Masonry Primer N068 (97 g/L), MPI # 3, LEED 2009.
2) 2nd Coat: Benjamin Moore Ultra Spec D.T.M. Acrylic Gloss Enamel HP28 (45 g/L), MPI # 114, X-Green 114, 154, X-Green 154, 164, LEED 2009, LEED V4.
3) 3rd Coat: Benjamin Moore Ultra Spec D.T.M. Acrylic Gloss Enamel HP28 (45 g/L), MPI # 114, X-Green 114, 154, X-Green 154, 164, LEED 2009, LEED V4.
b. Semi-Gloss Finish:
1) 1st Coat: Benjamin Moore Super Spec Interior/Exterior Acrylic High Build Masonry Primer N068 (97 g/L), MPI # 3, LEED 2009.